Events on Daylight saving time issue 2021

Marijke Gordijn is invited for several public events (in Dutch) on the topic of Daylight saving time. The first one will be an interview organised by Studium Generale Utrecht in collaboration with Tivoli/Vredenburg. On October 28th, at 8:15 pm on the stage of Tivoli-Vredenburg in Utrecht, Marijke will talk about the role of the biological…

Longer and later sleep due to lock down

On January 8th, Marijke Gordijn from Chrono@Work and Roelof Hut from the University of Groningen were interviewed by EditieNL about the effects of the COVID-19 related restrictions on sleep. Colleagues recently published that on average people sleep longer and later during the lockdown. However, shortage of sleep and sleeping problems have serious health effects. EditieNL…

Interview NPO Radio 1 on December 26th

In the early morning of December 26th, Marijke Gordijn from Chrono@Work gave an interview on NPO Radio 1 about the role of light for well being and health. This item is especially interesting in the dark winter days around Christmas in our region. The focus of the interview was on the new study we do…

Tips to improve the regularity of daily routines, even when nothing about your life feels regular!

The COVID-19 pandemic poses a serious health threat to the world population. In response, governments are implementing a variety of new policies including self-quarantine, self-isolation and social distancing. While medically necessary to limit spread, these new social policies can disrupt many of the stabilizing factors in our lives which support mental health. In close collaboration,…

Working from home? Take care you see enough daylight!

The policies to limit spreading of COVID-19 is ‘stay home’ and ‘work from home’. The consequence is that most people see very little daylight. While it is very important to stay home as much as possible and keep ‘social distance’ all the time, in the Netherlands it is not forbidden to go outside. The Dutch…

Upcoming lectures on sleep-wake rhythms disturbances and melatonin

Chrono@Work will be present at several symposia, classes and congresses in the upcoming period. Please have a look and subscribe if you are interested in the topic. 16th April 20:00h in Leeuwarden: Studium Generale Het Einde van de Zomertijd en Dan? 18th April whole day in Zeist: Medilex symposium on ‘Slaapproblemen en -stoornissen bij mensen met…

TV program FOCUS on health risks of night work

On November 7th, NTR presented a documentary FOCUS on the health risks of working at night and discusses possible solutions. In accordance with the reports of the Dutch Health Council 2015 and 2017, the most important point is to avoid working at night as much as possible. Roelof Hut from the University of Groningen and…

Plea for Central European Time in the Netherlands

Last weekend Daylight saving time 2018 ended and Europe went back to Central European Time. In a short movie commissioned by the University of Groningen, Marijke Gordijn explained once more why for us, in the Netherlands, the current time we have in winter is the most optimal choice. In fact, The Netherlands should even be…

16 tips to wake up easier in The Guardian

Linda Geddes, journalist in the UK, published an article in the Guardian titled “No more snooze button: a complete guide to waking up feeling fantastic“. “Now the clocks have gone back and the days are getting shorter, it can be hard to get out of bed. But, from dawn simulators to a regular wakeup time,…

Scientific arguments to stop with daylight saving time

Chrono@Work is proactive in spreading scientific arguments for a thoughtfull decision on stopping summer/wintertime. Now that the EU recommends to end changing our clocks twice a year, each country has to decide what to do. The recommendation from the EU is based on years of discussions with and within the parliament and triggered by the outcome…

Human solutions for control rooms in Muscat

Invited by Honeywell and Medilux, Chrono@Work gave a lecture in Muscat (Oman) on ‘human solutions for control rooms’. In between very technical lectures and for a very special, interested audience, we talked about putting the human in the center of attention. What can we do to optimize the 24h environment for people working 24/7 in…

Health risks of night shift work

As a member of the Committee Nightwork, Marijke Gordijn contributed to a new publication of the Health Council of the Netherlands: Health Risks of night shift work. In the Netherlands about 1.3 million people sometimes or regularly work at night. Night shift work disrupts the day-night rhythm of the body, which may lead to adverse…

“Dokters van Morgen’ on the beneficial effects of light for sleep

In the Dutch Television program ‘Dokters van Morgen‘ on October 17th, Antoinette Herzenberg pays attention to the importance of a healthy sleep. As part of the program, five volunteers went camping during one weekend. Chrono@Work supported the program with scientific input and the analysis of light exposure, rest-activity rhythms and melatonin patterns. Following up on…

Linking light exposure and subsequent sleep: a field polysomnography study in humans

Marijke Gordijn is a co-author of a study featured at Sleep. Study objectives To determine the effect of light exposure on subsequent sleep characteristics under ambulatory field conditions. Methods Twenty healthy participants were fitted with ambulatory PSG and wrist-actigraphs to assess light exposure, rest-activity, sleep quality, timing and architecture. Laboratory salivary dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO)…

Charge your Brainzzz is live!

After a year of hard work we are there! The teaching materials for the package Charge Your Brainzzz are ready. Charge your Brains teaches highschool students about sleep. On 27 September, Chrono@Work and the Dutch Brain Foundation will launch this special educational package. Charge Your Brainzzz is a modern package with activating learning tools including…

Launching teaching material Charge Your Brainzzz

Wednesday September 27th, Chrono@Work and the Brain Foundation will launch the new teaching material Charge Your Brainzzz in the Corpus Congress Centre in Leiden. Charge Your Brainzzz consists of a package of three lessons about sleep regulation and sleep disorders, with activating learning tools, animations (to be used during class) and a serious game developed…


In continuation of SLAAP2016, the second Dutch Sleep Congress will be organized again this year under the umbrella of the Dutch Society for Sleep-Wake research (NSWO) and the Sleep Medicine Association Netherlands (SVNL) in the Heerlickheijd in Ermelo. SLAAP 2017 is a unique collaboration between the various disciplines who work in the field of Sleep, such…

Sleep as part of a healthy lifestyle

What is sleep? Sleep as part of our daily life, This chapter describes the basic principles of sleep and wake regulation, the effects of sleep deprivation due to a mismatch between sleep and the biological clock, and what you can do about it. Every evening, a large behavioral change occurs in almost all people. In…

Educational paper published on Chronotherapeutic interventions

Chronotherapeutic interventions Marijke Gordijn of Chrono@Work co-authored a Dutch paper on Chronotherapeutic interventions in Psychiatry. She wrote this paper together with 3 colleagues with whom she also started Chronotherapy Network Netherlands ( The paper was published in the continuing education journal Psyfar. Since 2006, Psyfar focusses on educating and testing psychiatrists, hospital pharmacists, geriatrics specialists,…

Daylight saving time ends

According to the European directives, Daylight Saving time ends in the last weekend of October. Most European countries follow this directive, which means that this year on October 30 the clock will be shifted back one hour (change from 3 am to 2 am). For us this means an extra hour on the night of…

Radio Noord interview in response to a news report about the fact that 1 out of 6 dutch workers are sleep deprived

On September 12 several media reported that according to a TNS Nipo survey among 3,400 Dutch, that one out of six workers has sleeping problems. In a radio interview with Radio North on September 12 at 13: 40h Marijke Gordijn CEO of Chrono@Work explained what the risks are of sleep deprivation ( We should distinguish…

Are blue light filters nonsense?

In their issue No. 19 of 23 August – 6 september, Computer Idee, a magazine about computers and electronics for consumers, pays detailed attention to the pros and cons of blue light filters for computers, tablets and smartphones. The conclusion is that we are exposed to more blue light through the use of electronic screens…

Presentation: Introduction to Chronotherapy

Marijke Gordijn CEO of Chrono@Work will give a lecture on Wednesday, July 13th at the satellite symposium entitled ARE MOOD DISORDERS CHRONOBIOLOGICAL DISORDERS? This satellite symposium is organized by the Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms on the first day of the 18th Annual Conference of The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD16) held…

NRC checks…are the Dutch indeed the champions of sleep?

NRC next fact check, examines whether the NRC report in the Algemeen Dagblad of 9 May over Duch being campions at sleeping long is correct. The conclusion was drawn on the basis of an article in Science Advances which made use of data from the worldwide used sleepapp. NRC Next consulted among others, Chrono@Work on this…

Save the date! Sleep 2016

Under the umbrella of the Dutch Association of Sleep-Wake Research (NSWO) and the Sleep Medicine Association Netherlands (SVNL) the first Dutch Sleep Congress, SLEEP 2016.will be organized on the 3-4 November, 2016 in the Heerlickheijd, Ermelo. The conference is a unique interdisciplinary collaboration between different departments working in the field of Sleep, e.g. pulmonologists, neurologists,…

Sleep and need for recovery in shift workers: do chronotype and age matter?

This study examined associations of chronotype and age with shift-specific assessments of main sleep duration, sleep quality and need for recovery in a cross-sectional study among N ¼ 261 industrial shift workers (96.6% male). Logistic regression analyses were used, adjusted for gender, lifestyle, health, nap behaviour, season of assessment and shift schedule. Shift workers with latest versus earliest…

Effects of a chronic reduction of short-wavelength light input on melatonin and sleep patterns in humans: Evidence for adaptation

Light is an important environmental stimulus for the entrainment of the circadian clock and for increasing alertness. The intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells in the retina play an important role in transferring this light information to the circadian system and they are elicited in particular by short-wavelength light. Exposure to short wavelengths is reduced, for instance, in elderly…

The biological clock modulates the human cortisol response in a multiplicative fashion

Human cortisol levels follow a clear circadian rhythm. We investigated the contribution of alternation of sleep and wakefulness and the circadian clock, using forced desynchrony. Cortisol levels were best described by a multiplication of a circadian and a wake-time component. The human cortisol response is modulated by circadian phase. Exposure to stress at an unnatural phase, as in…