After a year of hard work we are there! The teaching materials for the package Charge Your Brainzzz are ready. Charge your Brains teaches highschool students about sleep. On 27 September, Chrono@Work and the Dutch Brain Foundation will launch this special educational package. Charge Your Brainzzz is a modern package with activating learning tools including a beautiful ‘serious game’ aimed at young people aged 12-15. Parents and / or caregivers are also involved. The package matches the second year of biology (depending on the school, this is class 2 or class 3), vmbo-t, havo and vwo. The lesson package is meant for three lessons of 45 minutes. All information can be found on the website Download the serious game in the playstore or istore and play the first level. Does it taste more? As part of the lessons you play all three levels!