Events on Daylight saving time issue 2021

Marijke Gordijn is invited for several public events (in Dutch) on the topic of Daylight saving time. The first one will be an interview organised by Studium Generale Utrecht in collaboration with Tivoli/Vredenburg. On October 28th, at 8:15 pm on the stage of Tivoli-Vredenburg in Utrecht, Marijke will talk about the role of the biological…

Tips to improve the regularity of daily routines, even when nothing about your life feels regular!

The COVID-19 pandemic poses a serious health threat to the world population. In response, governments are implementing a variety of new policies including self-quarantine, self-isolation and social distancing. While medically necessary to limit spread, these new social policies can disrupt many of the stabilizing factors in our lives which support mental health. In close collaboration,…

“Dokters van Morgen’ on the beneficial effects of light for sleep

In the Dutch Television program ‘Dokters van Morgen‘ on October 17th, Antoinette Herzenberg pays attention to the importance of a healthy sleep. As part of the program, five volunteers went camping during one weekend. Chrono@Work supported the program with scientific input and the analysis of light exposure, rest-activity rhythms and melatonin patterns. Following up on…

Charge your Brainzzz is live!

After a year of hard work we are there! The teaching materials for the package Charge Your Brainzzz are ready. Charge your Brains teaches highschool students about sleep. On 27 September, Chrono@Work and the Dutch Brain Foundation will launch this special educational package. Charge Your Brainzzz is a modern package with activating learning tools including…

Launching teaching material Charge Your Brainzzz

Wednesday September 27th, Chrono@Work and the Brain Foundation will launch the new teaching material Charge Your Brainzzz in the Corpus Congress Centre in Leiden. Charge Your Brainzzz consists of a package of three lessons about sleep regulation and sleep disorders, with activating learning tools, animations (to be used during class) and a serious game developed…

Radio interview in Morad & Shay program

On July 19th  at 17: 15h Marijke Gordijn CEO of Chrono@Work was interviewed by Morad & Shay for the local youth radio station Funx. Following up on a British study from 2015 that discussed the optimal bed-times, times of getting up and working times for young and elderly people. Professor Kelley and colleagues published an…

‘We better repeal daylight saving time’

During the night of Saturday to Sunday daylight saving time will start: the clock will move forward one hour. The discussion to get rid of daylight saving time has been going on for many years. asked the experts about their opinion. “I think we can better repeal daylight saving time”, states researcher of human…

‘The role of sleep and time of day on athletic performance’

December 11th 2015 the sympium Licht -Donker -Slaap (Light- Dark- Sleep) took place at the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. Marijke Gordijn was there to give a lecture regarding ‘when every second counts, the role of sleep and time of day on athletic performance”. Why is sleep an important part of your training-schedule? Does it…

Sleep and need for recovery in shift workers: do chronotype and age matter?

This study examined associations of chronotype and age with shift-specific assessments of main sleep duration, sleep quality and need for recovery in a cross-sectional study among N ¼ 261 industrial shift workers (96.6% male). Logistic regression analyses were used, adjusted for gender, lifestyle, health, nap behaviour, season of assessment and shift schedule. Shift workers with latest versus earliest…

Effects of a chronic reduction of short-wavelength light input on melatonin and sleep patterns in humans: Evidence for adaptation

Light is an important environmental stimulus for the entrainment of the circadian clock and for increasing alertness. The intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells in the retina play an important role in transferring this light information to the circadian system and they are elicited in particular by short-wavelength light. Exposure to short wavelengths is reduced, for instance, in elderly…