Health risks of night shift work

As a member of the Committee Nightwork, Marijke Gordijn contributed to a new publication of the Health Council of the Netherlands: Health Risks of night shift work. In the Netherlands about 1.3 million people sometimes or regularly work at night. Night shift work disrupts the day-night rhythm of the body, which may lead to adverse…

“Dokters van Morgen’ on the beneficial effects of light for sleep

In the Dutch Television program ‘Dokters van Morgen‘ on October 17th, Antoinette Herzenberg pays attention to the importance of a healthy sleep. As part of the program, five volunteers went camping during one weekend. Chrono@Work supported the program with scientific input and the analysis of light exposure, rest-activity rhythms and melatonin patterns. Following up on…

Linking light exposure and subsequent sleep: a field polysomnography study in humans

Marijke Gordijn is a co-author of a study featured at Sleep. Study objectives To determine the effect of light exposure on subsequent sleep characteristics under ambulatory field conditions. Methods Twenty healthy participants were fitted with ambulatory PSG and wrist-actigraphs to assess light exposure, rest-activity, sleep quality, timing and architecture. Laboratory salivary dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO)…

Charge your Brainzzz is live!

After a year of hard work we are there! The teaching materials for the package Charge Your Brainzzz are ready. Charge your Brains teaches highschool students about sleep. On 27 September, Chrono@Work and the Dutch Brain Foundation will launch this special educational package. Charge Your Brainzzz is a modern package with activating learning tools including…

Brain Foundation public day 2017: Brains and stimuli

On Thursday October 12th, the 25th Public Day of the Brain Foundation will take place in De Doelen in Rotterdam, with the theme Brain and stimuli. Language is Dutch. During multiple lectures, prominent brain researchers report on their brain and stimuli research. During the breaks, visitors can take a look at the HersenPlaza (formerly Information…

Launching teaching material Charge Your Brainzzz

Wednesday September 27th, Chrono@Work and the Brain Foundation will launch the new teaching material Charge Your Brainzzz in the Corpus Congress Centre in Leiden. Charge Your Brainzzz consists of a package of three lessons about sleep regulation and sleep disorders, with activating learning tools, animations (to be used during class) and a serious game developed…

Is there a relationship between vegetarianism and Seasonal Affective Disorder? A pilot study.

Marijke Gordijn is co-author of a study investigating the relationship between vegetarianism and winter depression, together with researchers from Finland and the university medical center in Groningen. A Background and Aim: Seasonal patterns of food intake are found in healthy individuals and particularly in patients with seasonal affective disorder (SAD). One nutritional choice is a…

Premenstrual mood and empathy after a single light therapy session

To examine whether acute changes in cognitive empathy might mediate the impact of light therapy on mood, we assessed the effects of a single light-therapy session on mood and cognitive empathy in 48 premenstrual women, including 17 who met Premenstrual Symptoms Screening Tool criteria for moderate-to-severe premenstrual syndrome / premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMS/PMDD). Using a…

Video recordings for e-learning course

Today we started with recording the first video’s for the e-learning course Animal & Human experimentation. Chrono@Work develops this course together with the University of Groningen. In the next academic year, it will be possible to complete this mastercourse that is obligatory for masterstudents working with animals during their research project completely on demand. With…


In continuation of SLAAP2016, the second Dutch Sleep Congress will be organized again this year under the umbrella of the Dutch Society for Sleep-Wake research (NSWO) and the Sleep Medicine Association Netherlands (SVNL) in the Heerlickheijd in Ermelo. SLAAP 2017 is a unique collaboration between the various disciplines who work in the field of Sleep, such…

Sleep disturbances in Phenylketonuria: an explorative study in men and mice.

Marijke Gordijn is coauthor of a study investigating sleep disturbances in PKU. Sleep problems have not been directly reported in phenylketonuria (PKU). In PKU, the metabolic pathway of phenylalanine is disrupted, which, among others, causes deficits in the neurotransmitters and sleep modulators dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Understanding sleep problems in PKU patients may help explain…

Sleep as part of a healthy lifestyle

What is sleep? Sleep as part of our daily life, This chapter describes the basic principles of sleep and wake regulation, the effects of sleep deprivation due to a mismatch between sleep and the biological clock, and what you can do about it. Every evening, a large behavioral change occurs in almost all people. In…

Chrono@Work moved to a new office!

Chrono@Work has moved to a new office. As from March 1st we are housed in the beautiful old milkfactory De Ommelanden, still very close to our colleagues of the University Groningen. Our new address is Friesestraatweg 213, 9743 AD Groningen. Telephone and email have not changed.