Review paper on Seasonal affective disorder, winter type.

Seasonal affective disorder, winter type: current insights and treatment options Marijke Gordijn from Chrono@Work co-authored a review paper on Seasonal Affective disorders. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), winter type, is a seasonal pattern of recurrent major depressive episodes most commonly occurring in autumn or winter and remitting in spring/summer. The syndrome has been well-known for more…

‘Get rid of your blues’

Trouble getting out of bed, a constant yearning for chocolate, craving Netflix more than sex… The shortest day might be over, but especially in January and February we massively encounter the winter blues. The University of Groningen figured that in roughly 500.000 Dutch people the winter blues takes on such a violent form that they…

The duration of light treatment and therapy outcome in seasonal affective disorder

Background: Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is characterized by recurrent episodes of major depression with a seasonal pattern, treated with light therapy (LT). Duration of light therapy differs. This study investigates retrospectively whether a single week of LT is as effective as two weeks, whether males and females respond differently, and whether there is an effect of expectations as…