Upcoming lectures on sleep-wake rhythms disturbances and melatonin

Chrono@Work will be present at several symposia, classes and congresses in the upcoming period. Please have a look and subscribe if you are interested in the topic. 16th April 20:00h in Leeuwarden: Studium Generale Het Einde van de Zomertijd en Dan? 18th April whole day in Zeist: Medilex symposium on ‘Slaapproblemen en -stoornissen bij mensen met…

16 tips to wake up easier in The Guardian

Linda Geddes, journalist in the UK, published an article in the Guardian titled “No more snooze button: a complete guide to waking up feeling fantastic“. “Now the clocks have gone back and the days are getting shorter, it can be hard to get out of bed. But, from dawn simulators to a regular wakeup time,…

“Dokters van Morgen’ on the beneficial effects of light for sleep

In the Dutch Television program ‘Dokters van Morgen‘ on October 17th, Antoinette Herzenberg pays attention to the importance of a healthy sleep. As part of the program, five volunteers went camping during one weekend. Chrono@Work supported the program with scientific input and the analysis of light exposure, rest-activity rhythms and melatonin patterns. Following up on…

Human cellular differences in cAMP – CREB signaling correlate with light-dependent melatonin suppression and bipolar disorder

Gaspas L., Van de Werken M., Johansson A.S., Moriggi E., Owe-Larsson B., Kocks J.W.H, Lundkvist G.B., Gordijn M.C.M., Brown S.A. Human cellular differences in cAMP – CREB signaling correlate with light-dependent melatonin suppression and bipolar disorder. European Journal of Neuroscience, 40: 2206-2215 (2014).
